Weekend Links

April 17, 2015 , In: Weekend Links , With: 2 Comments


Isn’t it funny how all it takes is a few days of sun and we forgive Montreal for it’s dark cold days of winter?  It’s kind of like forgetting the first few months with a newborn.  This week has been glorious and I’ve tried to be outside when I could.  Alex is napping more regularly (3x per day at pretty regular hours) so I’m getting some more free time to myself.  I’ve been spring cleaning (flipping mattresses!) and spring shopping (hello jean skirt!)  Speaking of shopping, I finally feel that I’m getting back to myself which frankly, has taken years, and I’m ready to start getting some style back into my life.

There have been some downs this week too.  I had a headache for around two days which I am starting to suspect is weather related (anyone else get headaches whenever the weather changes?)  I also realize that now that my son is eating solids and napping at certain times, juggling that with my other son and his needs is causing me anxiety.  Even as I write this in my head I’m thinking about the pizza dough I have to make, when I’m going to pick up my son, how far apart to spread out the breast feeding, and trying to get the sheets cleaned after a bathroom accident last night.  The idea of doing this while holding down a full time job makes my head spin.

This weekend we are going to do some potty training intervention.  My son resolutely REFUSES the potty.  This should be an interesting one.  Your tips and tricks are welcome.  Hopefully the weather stays great and we’ll be outside for our potty training adventure.

Little old Etsy is valued at $3.88 Billion 

I’m down with this trend

I want to go here

Hello movie night!

Some perspective for parents of picky eaters

Genius idea for jeans that don’t quite fit

And even though this is in my oven (smells divine!), I’m still thinking of making this

Bonne Weekend!

July 27, 2018

Au Revoir

Blog Post
April 1, 2016

Weekend Links

Weekend Links
January 4, 2013

A Galette for a King

Sweet Stuff
    • Jessica
    • April 17, 2015

    I live in Westmount and have had a headache for 3 days…it’s got to be the weather or something in the air. Otherwise, the arrival of spring has been glorious!

      • Michelle
      • April 17, 2015

      THANK-YOU! I’m happy to know i’m not insane. Is it a throbbing point over your left eye by chance?

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Michelle Little

Writer & Photographer

Originally from the prairies and now in Montreal, I love exploring new places, eating great food and modern design. I'm mom of two wild things and paper and cake make me happy. Photographing your cutie family would make me very happy.

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