Let’s Get Real – Pregnancy, Tears & Bitchiness

May 14, 2014 , In: Motherhood, Pregnancy , With: 4 Comments

21 week scan 2-3 3

My first son on his 21 week scan

So, I’m writing this post at 5 weeks pregnant, but I don’t know when I will actually publish it because I’m not sure when I will want to publicly reveal I’m pregnant.


So yeah, if I haven’t already mentioned it on this blog – I’m pregnant!  Woo hoo!

Now that that’s out of the way, what I wanted to talk about is how maybe you are supposed to feel all awesome about your pregnancy and in fact you don’t really at all.  I mean, if you are trying to conceive, seeing that second line on the pregnancy test is amazing.

I cried.

I don’t think that would EVER get old.

But thank goodness I was pregnant…  I needed to know that to in part explain why I was such a horrible person to my husband.  It was just not me.  It was mostly the harmones.  That’s the first thing that sucks about the first trimester. There are many more and I think it’s important to talk about it because although yes you may be happy, you may be feeling a lot of other things too and it’s normal.

I’m talking about tears here.

BabyCenter has a pretty good write up on mood swings which I recommend for anyone wondering if their mood swings are normal to read.

But from my experience, and anecdotal evidence from friends, these are normal.  I want to cry at anything.  In the car listening to the radio, the announcer brought up the protests in Kiev – I burst into tears thinking about how it could have been me (my great-great-grandparents were Ukrainian immigrants).  Don’t even get me started on all those sick kids on Facebook.

And the fatigue definitely has to do with the tears.  THE FATIGUE!  In my office days I used to go to the bathroom cubicle and lean my head against the wall and close my eyes for a few minutes.  I just sucked as an employee.  I am so grateful that I now can nap when I want (if I don’t have work that needs to be done!) I am so much happier.


So, know this.  You don’t have to be 100% happy your first trimester of pregnancy.  Even if you’ve been trying to conceive for a long time, or even a short time.  You’re body is going through enormous changes and your moods and level of energy are hugely affected.  You just gotta ride the roller coaster.

ps Points to anyone who names the roller coaster!

    • Hugo Delaney
    • May 14, 2014

    West Edmonton Mall

      • Michelle
      • May 14, 2014

      We’ve got a winner! Oh yes.. home of all my childhood roller coaster fears!

  1. Reply

    Congratulations! And yes, sounds so familiar. I do think you’re expected to be really happy, but it’s so hard during the first trimester (when you’re dealing with sickness, hormones, and no wine!) And you also can’t tell many people.

      • Michelle
      • May 15, 2014

      I agree… and happy to hear I’m not the only one!

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Michelle Little

Writer & Photographer

Originally from the prairies and now in Montreal, I love exploring new places, eating great food and modern design. I'm mom of two wild things and paper and cake make me happy. Photographing your cutie family would make me very happy.

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